The Department of Computer and Information Sciences has a full complement of laboratories encompassing a broad field of research in information engineering (computational systems, computational intelligence, and information media). Each laboratory is operated by a diverse teaching and research staff gathered from universities, industry, and public research institutes within and outside of Japan. There is constant research activity at the leading edge, and achievements are many, obtaining competitive research funding and conducting collaborative research with industry.
This page introduces the education and research activities of each laboratory. Please see the Web pages of each laboratory for details on individual research themes.
We have 16 laboratories that are conducting advanced research on various fields.
Sysems Technology
Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Networking, Ubiquitous Computing, Pedagogical System
Intelligent Systems
Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics
Digital Media Technology
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Human Interface, Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics
- Next-generation Computer & Systems Software
- OS and Libraries for Future High Performance /Low Power Embedded systems
- OS for post-peta Scale Super Computers
- Systems Software and Hardware Architecture for
- Power Saving Systems
- Virtual Machine and OpenFlow Network for CloudComputing
Web site (in Japanese) 
- Dependable Computing
- Interconnection Networks for Massively Parallel Systems
- Fast Homology Search Algorithms in Genome Informatics
- Software Watermarking based on Register Allocation
- Dependable Functional Programming
- Multimedia Pedagogical Systems
- Educational Simulators
- Vocabulary Learning Systems
Web site 
- Human Computer Interaction
- Virtual Reality
- Human Interruptibility Estimation
- Virtual Space Communication
- Haptics
Web site (in Japanese) 
- Algorithms for Geometric Object Recognition using Discrete Geometry
- Multiresolutional Approach for Geometric Object Recognition
- Robust Algorithms Parameter Estimation considering Outliers
- Globally Convergent Algorithms for Matching of Geometric Features
- 3D Modeling using Range Sensor and Camera
- Indoor Environment Recognition using Range Sensor
- Stereoscopic Image Recognition, Generation and Processing
- Pedestrian Detection and Environment Recognition for Driver Assistance System
- Fashion Snap Analysis
Web site 
Page Top
- Multihoming Network
- Internet Security
- Advanced Processor Architecture
- High Performance Computing System
- Reconfigurable Computing System
- High level synthesis from Java
- Accelerating an Android device
- Cooling computer Systems with Biotechnology
- Wearable devices for Healthcare
Web site (in Japanese) 
- Analysis of Human Motorfunctions
- Biosignal Processing for Control
- Robotic Rehabilitation System
- Computational Modeling of Autonomous Systems
Web site 
Page Top
- Investigating technologies and applications that
- Make our daily lives fun and safe
- Support tasks effectively yet avoiding technology dependency
- Change our behavior to desired ones while respecting our lifestyle
Web site 
- Pattern Recognition Theory: subspace classifier, deep learning
- Image and Video Processing: segmentation, time series analysis
- Image Recognition: object recognition and detection
Web site (in Japanese) 
- Mathematical Optimization (Mathematical Programming)
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Improving Algorithm
Web site (in Japanese) 
- Offers high-performance and energy-efficient services
- Not stop services even if failures occur at server sides
Web site 
Page Top
- Multi-Agent System
- Cooperation, Coordination and Negotiation
- Agreement Technologies
- Electronic commerce (E-commerce)
- AI-based Decision Support System
- Text Mining
Web site 
- Communications & Network system
- Mobile computing
- Internet of Things
Web site 
- Information Theoretic Security
- Multi-terminal Information Theory
- Quantum Information
Web site 
- Theoretical/practical high-dimensional signal processing
- Signal Processing on Graphs
- Image Processing
- Wavelets/Filter Banks
Web site 
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